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Athens City Council members voice opposition to becoming a fracking 'dumping ground'

Athens City Council members weighed in on hydraulic fracturing Monday, albeit in a non-binding manner that likely won’t see any immediate impact.

Council members unanimously passed a resolution that took a stance against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ plans to grant permits to an energy corporation allowing the unloading of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” materials on the Ohio River, which shares a short border with Athens County.

Democratic 4th Ward Councilwoman Chris Fahl brought up the idea last week and suggested the body pass the resolution before it breaks for the month of August.

The permit would allow Texas-based energy company GreenHunter Resources to set up a port on the river in Meigs County.

Fahl said that this would pose a threat to the region if a leak occurred at the site while the fracking materials were being unloaded to be carried elsewhere.

In such a case, council members maintained that carcinogens, dissolved salts and radioactive materials, would leak into the local water supply.

Athens Mayor Paul Whiel supported the resolution of opposition, and said he hoped Southeast Ohio’s governments will do what they can to keep the move from happening.

“We’re going to become a dumping ground,” he said. “I’m afraid there’s a lot of money behind that. But we will do whatever we can.”

The resolution will be sent to the Army Corps of Engineers in a hard copy format before July 28, which is the deadline for such appeals to be made.

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