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MLB adopts harsher steroid-testing policy

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -With some of its biggest stars under suspicion and lawmakers demanding action, Major League Baseball adopted a tougher steroid-testing program that will suspend first-time offenders for 10 days and randomly test players year-round.

The agreement was hailed by baseball management and its union yesterday as a huge step forward but was criticized by some for not going far enough because the penalties are less harsh than those in Olympic sports and amphetamines were not banned.

I've been saying for some time that my goal for this industry is zero tolerance regarding steroids

Commissioner Bud Selig said.

A first positive test would result in a penalty of 10 days, a second positive test in a 30-day ban, a third positive in a 60-day penalty and a fourth positive test in a one-year ban -all without pay. A player who tests positive a fifth time would be subject to discipline determined by the commissioner.

It's more for our protection than anything else Boston pitcher Tim Wakefield said.

Under the previous agreement, a first positive test resulted only in treatment, and a second positive test was subject to a 15-day suspension. Only with a fifth positive test would a player be subject to a one-year ban.

No player was suspended for steroid use in 2004, the first season of testing with penalties.

We're acting today to help restore the confidence of our fans Selig said.

Since the old agreement was reached in 2002, baseball has come under increased scrutiny about steroids.

Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield testified before a federal grand jury investigating the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative known as BALCO. President Bush mentioned the steroid problem in last year's State of the Union address.



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