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Council debates control of Jeff Hill

At Tuesday night's city council meeting, controversy continued over whether or not Ohio University should be given control of 0.80 acres of land on East Union Street spanning from University Terrace to Stewart Street -the area known as Jeff Hill.

Council member Jim Sands, D-at-large, introduced an ordinance in a first reading calling for Jeff Hill to be vacated in preparation for the university to make renovations. Sands, who supports university control of the area, said that Jeff Hill went offline over two years ago following a water-line burst. An engineer examined the hill, and found that it would cost more than $200,000 to repair, he said.

The administration has solicited input (from city departments) ... and all agree that the street is not necessary for efficient operation of city services

Sands said. He added that this agreement is a culmination of over two years of consideration and that, for safety's sake, having the university improve the area and build pedestrian walkways is the best solution.

Paul Wiehl, D-1st ward, had an opposing viewpoint. I don't see any reason why we should give (Jeff Hill) to (OU) he said. My question is: Is this for the good of the city? He cited Uptown congestion, saying the city might need to use Jeff Hill in the future.

Wiehl added that if the university did take control of the land, the city of Athens would not be obligated to repair the water and sewer lines that might be affected by the construction of pedestrian walkways.

Other council news: ¨ An ordinance was adopted allowing the discharge of ceremonial weapons for re-enactment purposes.

¨ In a second reading, an ordinance dealing with vending permission during Halloween weekend was tabled. Council member Dale Tampke, D-at-large, who introduced the ordinance, said discussion will continue in September.

¨ An ordinance introduced by Wiehl proposed closing a portion of Union Street on October 6 for an alternative fuel car show, which will take place during OU's Energy Awareness Week. Wiehl said the show already has occurred Uptown two or three times.



Megan Bruce

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