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McDavis reopens administrative search

After an extensive search process and three candidate forums, Ohio University President Roderick McDavis has decided to reopen the search for a new vice president for finance and administration.

In the first search, a 23-member committee selected by the president, composed of faculty, administrators, classified staff and students, led forums and discussed and evaluated each of the candidates after an outside firm brought suitable candidates to the university, said committee chair Mike Sostarich, vice president for student affairs.

The committee looked for a candidate with a significant background in finance as well as someone who had progressively taken on more responsibility over time, Sostarich said. OU's vice president for finance and administration is the chief fiscal officer for the institution and represents the university to the Ohio Board of Regents. The vice president also heads the budget office and oversees human resources; the physical plant; business services and campus planning; construction; and security and safety.

After discussing the four candidates, the committee presented its selection to McDavis, who makes the final decision, Sostarich said.

The three external candidates for the position were Larry Reese, vice president for administrative and financial services at Florida A&M; Charles Hawkins, senior associate vice chancellor for financial services at East Carolina University, N.C.; and Kenneth Payne, treasurer and chief investment officer for Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Inc.

Larry Corrigan, currently working as OU's interim vice president of finance and administration position, makes $150,000 per year and was one of the candidates for permanent position in the first search. He has been asked by McDavis to continue his interim position until the search to fill it permanently is complete, Sostarich said.

Corrigan did not return calls seeking comment.

It is important to identify the ideal candidate for this position and

for this reason the search will continue said Jack Jeffery, university spokesman. It was determined that the initial search did not identify a candidate with the proper background and vision

he said. McDavis hopes to fill the position by January 2006, Sostarich said.

The new search will occur in the same manner as the first, Jeffery said. Six to 12 candidates will be chosen for the next-to-last cut for preliminary interviews, and three to four candidates will be invited for campus interviews, he said.



Michelle Shoultz

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