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OUPD officers face disciplinary review

Three complaints have been filed against the Ohio University Police Department in the last year, according to the OU Office of Legal Affairs and the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC).

Nicolette Dioguardi, associate director of the Office of Legal Affairs, confirmed that two separate discrimination complaints were filed by OU police officer Suzette Hall, and Cathy Sloane, wife of OUPD officer Greg Sloane, filed a complaint of inappropriate conduct.

Hall's first complaint was filed in October 2004, claiming gender discrimination. Hall felt that her gender was a factor in the differential treatment she received in the workplace.

Hall filed a second complaint in May 2005, claiming a performance review conducted after October 2004 consisted of negative marks from OUPD superiors. She said her review was a retaliatory action by the department that resulted from the filing of her gender-discrimination complaint. Dioguardi said Hall's performance review was based upon complaints received by OUPD from Athens and OU community members regarding displeasure with some of Hall's on-duty actions.

Dioguardi responded to Hall's complaint, as filed through the OCRC, on behalf of OU, finding that the Office of Legal Affairs' internal investigation of the complaint showed that Hall had not been discriminated against by the police department.

Both complaints remain under review by OCRC, so no determination of findings has been made. OCRC serves as the discrimination regulatory agency for the state, and it investigates all complaints made by an employee toward his or her employer.

An April 12 letter from Cathy Sloane to OUPD Chief Tony Camechis expressing concerns of treatment she received from OUPD Lt. Stephen Noftz has resulted in an ongoing investigation of Noftz for possible inappropriate behavior. At the request of Sloane, OU hired an outside attorney, Colleen Cook, to investigate the complaint. Noftz was Greg Sloane's supervisor at the time. Dioguardi said that the only action taken so far by the OUPD has been to remove Noftz from supervisory authority over Greg Sloane.

OUPD lieutenant and media spokesperson Rich Russell said OUPD is anxious to have these issues resolved, but explained that things are in the hands of OCRC and others at this point.

It's out of our control; we can't do anything about it

he said.

Russell said the filings of the complaints have not created morale issues within the department. He also said significant changes generally are not made until the investigatory process has been completed and the department learns the outcome of OCRC and other investigations.

Russell said complaints issued against OUPD officers are rare; most involve student complaints against officers in situations where arrests occur for intoxication or unruly conduct.

Camechis said that since his tenure as chief commenced in January 2002, nine students have filed concerns of inappropriate conduct of on-duty OUPD officers, and this has resulted in 20 complaint investigations by the OUPD. These complaints have necessitated disciplinary action against OUPD officers in only five instances.

Investigation of the officers is conducted internally within the department. A complaint against an officer is investigated by his or her immediate supervisor, and a complaint against a supervisor is investigated by the chief. The OUPD follows a policy of corrective action or progressive discipline. Disciplinary measures range from coaching, training or counseling to more harsh penalties such as suspension or termination.

The entire university, including all departments, has had 42 discrimination complaints filed against it through the OCRC since 1987, said Christia Alou-White, OCRC director of public affairs. OCRC's database contains continuous annual records from 1987 to the present.

Both Hall and Sloan retained their positions at the OUPD during the investigations of their respective complaints. 17


John Mueller

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