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'Cats off to running start

The Ohio men and women kicked off the indoor season with third place finishes in Akron on Friday night.

The women's team scored 78 points and the men 92 at the quad meet, which also featured Akron, Pittsburgh and Seton Hall. Akron ran away with both the men's and women's title, while Pittsburgh finished second.

Great competition - it was a stellar meet

coach Clay Calkins said. Both teams stepped it up. We got the job done in certain events and in other events we came a little short. We have to knock the rust off and get back into it sometime. This was a start-off meet and we will work from here.

The Ohio men sprinted their way to success with help from Scott Mayle, John Willis and Dan Bailey. Mayle highlighted the night with a victory in the 60-meter dash with a time of 6.87 seconds. Willis and Bailey finished third and fourth, respectively, in the 400-meter race and the pair also ran in the 4x400 meter relay.

For it being the first meet of the season

we performed pretty well

Bailey said. Everybody is coming along pretty well

and things are looking good for the sprinters.

While the sprints did drive the Ohio men, the field events were critical as well. Jordan Sharpe and Jeremy Keesee finished third and fourth in the high jump, while Luke High and Jonathan Adams both earned points in the pole vault.

Anthony Lyons, in his first indoor meet, took fifth in the shot put and sixth in the weight throw. Tyler Edwards took second overall in the long jump with a 6.68-meter effort.

The field events are pretty big for us; we can score a lot of points there

High said. It was real important for us to get off to a good start.

Leading the Bobcat women was Jaclyn Lugaila, who earned 11 of the team's 78 points. She finished third in the shot put and fifth in the weight throw with a toss of 14.98 meters. Lugaila's performance will help key the team for the rest of the season, Calkins said.

Jacylyn did great

he said. The throws went really well for us at this meet. The weight throw wasn't a lifetime (personal record) for her

but it's the best throw since she's been here.

In addition to Lugaila, the distance runners helped key the women's squad. Carime Reinhart and Andrea Maas finished fourth and fifth, respectively, in the 3000-meter run. Rachel Beakas and Julia Weisenborn finished fifth and sixth in the mile run. The distance runners were satisfied with how they performed, Weisenborn said.

I thought we did extremely well

she said. We really showed some schools that we aren't something to joke about.

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