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Comedian's improv stirs laughter from dads

Jeff Garlin makes fun of anyone or anything. Nothing is off limits, including the band Loverboy,, fat girls in half shirts and Cincinnati, all of which were comically slaughtered by improvised jokes Saturday in Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium.

Known for his role as Larry David's manager on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm

a recurring role on Arrested Development and playing wingman to Eddie Murphy in Daddy Day Care Garlin takes his job of making people laugh seriously.

I have a great time and I'm lucky to do it

but it's not like 'Ha

we laugh all day

and I don't really have a job.' It's a job

and I work very hard at it

he said.

Garlin, a man who thrives off the audience, doesn't stop performing. He said that he doesn't feel like he always needs to be funny like some comedians, such as Dane Cook. His attention deficit disorder can make his audience members exercise their patience as well as control their guffaws.

His act is a display of raunchy sex jokes mixed with random improvisation. Garlin, who started in improv and uses it as the basis for Curb Your Enthusiasm

feels comfortable when he's making jokes up on a whim.

I feel like improvising makes me a better comedian. It's a freedom. It's what I'm able to do

he said. Other people are not able to do it. I'm lucky enough to be able to do it.

Ohio University was mocked for being merely the No. 2 party school, as well as for having MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson) and Don King as alumni.

Garlin's engaging and self-deprecating act was chock-full of laughter and crowd participation. He brought a few members on the stage to act in an improvisational skit, including a father who was visiting for Dads' Weekend.

I thought it was really great. I liked how random he was. He really worked with the audience well

junior Nick DeVendra said.

DeVendra's father, Chuck, agreed. Smart comedian. He plays well with his audience. He did his homework. He related well to the demographic.

Garlin offered fatherly advice to future comedians: Get an education and be a well-rounded person to have something to fall back on.

As for the shows that Garlin is watching, he sticks with Arrested Development

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