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McDavis, Krendl to present Vision Ohio

Ohio University officials will formally unveil a strategic plan for the university's future with the Vision Ohio convocation Tuesday morning in the Margaret M. Walter Hall rotunda.

Beginning with a procession at 10 a.m., the ceremony will honor professors and students who have achieved academically or won national awards during the 2005-06 academic year. The event is open to students, faculty and Athens residents.

OU President Roderick McDavis and Provost Kathy Krendl will discuss Vision Ohio and how it will affect the university and the region, according to an OU Communications and Marketing news release.

The convocation is meant to remind the university of its core values, celebrate its progress and reaffirm its ambitions for the future, according to the news release.

While this is the first year for the convocation, it will become an annual event, according to the release.

The ceremony can also be viewed via streaming video on Ohio University's Web site, Channel 25 on Time Warner Cable or Channel 64 on CatVision. OU regional faculty and staff will also be able to view the event.

At 5:30 p.m., the invitation-only Vision Ohio/Distinguished Professor Dinner will take place for award recipients and two distinguished faculty members, Gar W. Rothwell and David Drabold. A distinguished professor lecture

featuring Rothwell and Drabold - also open to the public - will follow at 7:30 p.m.

Rothwell, a professor of environmental and plant biology, received the Distinguished Professor Award from former OU President Robert Glidden in 2004. Drabold, a professor of physics and astronomy, was this past year's recipient. -Ashley Herzog and Magen Howard 17


Ashley Herzog and Magen Howard

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