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Uptown herb shop to close

Mt. Nebo Herbs and Oils is facing closure, and the owner is trying to sell the store by the end of the month.

Gerald and Ingrid Chorba opened Mt. Nebo Herbs and Oils at 11 W. Union St., across from Art Apocalypse, in 1991 to provide college students and other customers with natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals they could get at Hudson Health Center or other health centers. After Ingrid Chorba's death in the early 2000s, Gerald Chorba sold the store to current owner Chris Melfi.

Melfi kept the store's focus on herbs, essential oils and natural products and added a variety of merchandise including jewelry, dream catchers, Hempcel pants, greeting cards, incense, books, gemstones and popular Bush gnomes.

The eclectic feel of the store attracts an assortment of customers, such as college students, professors and Athens locals. Melfi said the store regulars are people who follow alternative lifestyles, who are socially aware and who are concerned with the environment.

I can come in here to relax; no one hassles you in here

and Chris is really friendly said Ohio University sophomore Catherine Lyons . There are fair prices here better than other stores in town. Students tend to go to Import House because it's more mainstream

and they've heard the name before. It's a shame; they don't come here because they're missing out on a great store with great stuff. I just don't feel as comfortable at other stores as I do here.

After a year of plummeting profit, Melfi has decided to try to sell the store by the end of January. The decision is not easy, Melfi said, because opening an herb store was his wife's and his dream. Melfi noticed the decline in profit starting in December 2004.

Some of the factors Melfi said he thinks contribute to the diminishing business are the stagnant economy, increased tuition prices, shrinking interest in alternative remedies and Mt. Nebo's lack of Internet connection. Not having a Web site in a college town where students spend so much time on the Internet has deeply affected his business, Melfi said.

Looking back, Melfi said he wishes he had promoted the store more, and he hopes the next owner will keep the spirit of the store intact while drawing in business.

I've had a lot of people come in and express concern that we're closing. This is an Athens-type store; people are aware that it is important for Mt. Nebo to be here

Melfi said.

If no one buys Mt. Nebo Herbs and Oils by the end of January, Melfi said he will close the store completely.



Dianne Selden


Mt. Nebo Herbs and Oils co-owner Chris Melfi peers through a jewelry display in the store last Thursday, one of only two places in the world where the popular Bush Gnomes can be purchased.

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