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Faculty Senate committees provide updates on contracts, health care

Ohio University Faculty Senate committee heads took time to update attendees on their progress and goals at last night's meeting.

John Gilliom, head of the Finance and Facilities Committee, informed senate about an ongoing process of restating and rewording health benefit policies within the Faculty Handbook.

Various policies concerning employee contribution to healthcare have changed over the years, Gilliom said.

The handbook needs an updating to get in line with current practice,” he said.

Gilliom also addressed how faculty contract cycles would be affected by the upcoming quarters to semesters switch and said he would not have answers until the upcoming meeting in October.

The Educational Policy and Student Affairs Committee is responding to a push from administration regarding offering a greater number of online courses to students.

(The committee will be) revisiting a report on online courses from 2007 to 2008 to ensure that faculty will continue to control the curriculum,” Committee Head Allyn Reilly said.

The Professional Relations Committee is also examining faculty contracts.

Bonnie Roach, standing in for Committee Chair Sarah Wyatt, said the committee is looking into multi-year contracts and hopes to bring more information to senate during the October meeting.

Faculty Senate will meet again at 7:10 p.m. Oct. 17 in 235 Walter Hall.

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