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Homecoming 2011: Yell Like Hell event offers dances, Homecoming Court announcement despite rain

Despite the rainy and cold weather conditions, more than 200 students and alumni turned out this evening to "yell like hell" on the the Walter Hall lawn.

The Yell Like Hell Homecoming event featured performances by the Ohio University Cheerleading Squad; the dance team, the Ohio Tap Cats; and the Athens Black Contemporary Dance Team.

The dancers continued to dance throughout the rain.

“I was ecstatic to be up there, getting the crowd pumped up,” said Trevor Patton, a male cheerleader.

After the performances, the Homecoming Court was invited onstage to reveal the Homecoming King and Queen. Harrison Hill and Faye Miller won the titles and were welcomed with a cheer from the crowd.

A service aspect was added to this year's homecoming, as donations were taken to aid the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization.

John Frederick, a member of the Homecoming Court, encouraged voters to donate to the organization.

He was not upset about not winning the title of Homecoming King.

“I wanted to improve the system of Homecoming and prove it's not a popularity contest,” he said.

OHIO plays Ball State tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. at Peden Stadium.

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