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Third Ward candidates focus on community campaigning

Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part series about campaigning for office in Athens.

Although Athens mayoral candidates spent more than $4,000 each this campaign season, City Council hopefuls spent less than $1,000 each and have stressed a personal approach to their respective runs for the open 3rd Ward seat.

Democrat Michele Papai is running against independent candidate R.J. Sumney for the 3rd Ward seat of the Athens City Council. Sumney is the business manager for The Post.

Sumney and Papai were not required to file campaign finance reports with the Athens County  Board  of  Elections  because they both fell under the $1,000


Papai said she spent “hardly anything” on her campaign and did not fundraise. One cost-cutting technique she used was keeping her campaign environmentally friendly.

“People get tired of all the signs and litter,” she said.

Both candidates have campaign websites outlining their platforms and what they hope to change in Athens, including Sumney’s seven-step plan for the 3rd Ward.

In addition to the online push, both candidates noted the importance of campaigning door to door as a way to get to know voters better and hear individual concerns.

“I’m knocking on doors and sending emails,” Papai said.

Sumney said he also went to individual houses, handing out door hangers also outlining his seven-step plan.

“You get more in touch and (are able to) hear residents’ concerns,” he said in regard to the grass-roots effort.

Though both candidates have a strong emphasis on infrastructure, city safety, traffic and revitalizing Uptown business, they stress different aspects of ward improvement. 

According to their websites, Papai aims to strengthen the city’s communication with Ohio University and one of Sumney’s seven points is improving town-gown relations.

Visit each candidate’s site at and

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