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Athletics updates Student Senate on Multipurpose Center

Alongside the Ping and Baker centers, Ohio University will be adding another edifice to the campus — but it still needs to come up with the funds.

Athletic Director Jim Schaus spoke to Student Senate Wednesday night’s about the Multipurpose Center, an idea that’s been in the works since 2005.

“We have a little ways go to,” Schaus said, “but we are raising money right now.”

OU’s athletic department has been raising money for the Multipurpose Center since 2007; however, the fundraising efforts were stagnant for several years because of problems with the economy, Schaus said.

So far, $9.7 million of the estimated $11 million needed has been raised for the center.

The Multipurpose Center will be an indoor facility designated for athletic teams to practice, but officials plan for the center to be open for use by the entire campus through classes, intramurals, club sports and other student organizations.

The center will take about a year to be built. If OU’s plans for the Multipurpose Center remain on track, the project could be completed by 2013, Schaus said.

“Once we have a facility like this, there will be all kinds of things we could do with it,” Schaus said. “The Multipurpose Center is a vision that I think will have a tremendous impact on our campus.”

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