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Alden to be commended at his namesake library

Vernon Alden took the reins of Ohio University 50 years ago and promptly oversaw one of the most transformative periods in the school’s history.    

During Alden’s seven years as president, enrollment doubled, the Honors Tutorial College was established, and the school built both The Convo and Alden Library.

Alden will be honored at 6:30 p.m. Saturday with a reception at the building named for him — Alden Library — followed by dinner and speakers, including OU President Roderick McDavis, Dean of Libraries Scott Seaman and former President Charles Ping. Faculty and supporters of the library were invited to attend the ticketed event.

“This is a time to celebrate Dr. Alden and all that he’s done for the university,” McDavis said. “As president, he was such an important part of university history.”

Alden, whose tenure stretched from 1962 to 1969, was president while McDavis was a student at OU. McDavis came to Athens in the fall of 1966 as a freshman.

“I saw him actually function as president of the university,” McDavis said. “I had great respect for him when he was here … and much of what I’ve tried to do as president is really modeled after what Dr. Alden tried to do.”

One of Alden’s philosophies McDavis has adopted is the idea that everything at OU should be lifted to its highest level of excellence, he said.

The former president also remains active in raising money for the university, and is honorary chairman of OU’s  University Libraries’ “Promise Lives” Capital Campaign Committee.

“He helped secure the funding to build (Alden) Library during his tenure and has remained active with the library ever since,” said Doug Partusch, director of development for Ohio University Libraries. “He’s always been very helpful in our fundraising efforts and has also provided funding for endowments here at the library.”

Alden established an endowment under the name of his late wife, Marion Alden.

The endowment funds the Southeast Asian collection at the library in honor of his wife’s interest in that region.

“Dr. Alden has always been interested in international topics,” Partusch said.

“He was a proponent of international studies here on campus.”

Saturday’s event will take place on the fourth floor of Alden Library.

“It is an honor for us to host the event,” Seaman said. “Alden Library was one of Alden’s most significant accomplishments during his presidency and remains one of his lasting legacies.”

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