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Board of Trustees appoints new leadership amid tuition increase

In the midst of a controversial decision to raise Ohio University’s annual tuition by 3.5 percent, OU’s governing board announced another change: new leadership for the Board of Trustees.

After the full-board meeting Friday, C. Robert Kidder’s term as chairman and general member of the Board of Trustees ended. He will not seek another appointment. He has served on the Board of Trustees in various capacities since 2003.

Kidder served as the chairman and CEO of Chrysler Group from 2009 to 2011. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Morgan Stanley.

Gene Harris will replace Kidder as the board’s chair, with Sandra Anderson serving as vice chairwoman. Harris served as vice chairwoman under Kidder.

Originally, Kidder began his term as chairman of the board on June 26, 2009 until June 25, 2010, when M. Marnette Perry replaced him. He had originally agreed to serve as chairman when Perry declined to assume the position, citing family health concerns, according to a 2010 Post article.

Kidder began his second term as chairman during a full-board meeting on June 24, 2011.

OU President Roderick McDavis presented Kidder with a certificate commending his service.

“We thank you and salute you,” McDavis said.

Kidder said his time as chairman of the board has been “a great learning experience.”

“I believe strongly in the vision of Ohio University,” he said. “We have the opportunity to be the leader in putting together a transformative learning community.”

Harris, who serves on the Board of Trustees and also works for the United Way of Central Ohio, will assume her position as chairwoman of the OU Board of Trustees at the June 22 meeting.

Harris received a Ph.D. in educational administration from OU in 1999.

— Sara Jerde contributed to this article.

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