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Candidates take care to organize legitimate tickets

Twelve months after Ohio University’s Student Senate campaign season saw 12 candidate disqualifications, this year’s executive candidates made sure to cross their “t”s and dot their lower-case “j”s when filing their paperwork.

Last year’s tickets, FACE and RSVP, accounted for nine and three disqualifications, respectively. However, yOU and REACH both ensured its candidates were legitimate before submitting campaign paperwork to the Dean of Students Office.

When reviewing candidates, the office checks GPAs, verifying the required 2.0 minimum as well as the candidates’ judicial records.

If candidates have committed an A-level offense — such as disorderly conduct — and have not yet completed probation requirements, they would be disqualified.

Though both tickets have at least one candidate with a judicial record, each has satisfied probation requirements, has not been disqualified and is in line with the Board of Elections’ rules, said Dean of Students Ryan Lombardi.

Lombardi said he didn’t know why there were so many disqualified candidates last year. “There were certainly fewer issues than we’ve seen last year. But I think last year was more of an anomaly,” he said.

Tony Koehling, yOU’s presidential candidate, required his running mates to bring their DARS reports to campaign meetings.

“I think we organized administration better, and it came out well for us,” said Koehling, a junior studying political science. “The process has worked out well.”

Koehling also retrieved his candidates’ judiciary records to make sure they fit the Board of Elections’ guidelines.

Zach George, REACH’s presidential candidate, ran over his ticket’s paperwork with a “fine-toothed comb,” he said.

George asked his candidates to get 50 signatures and executives to get 150 — twice the amount the Board of Elections required, he said.

George said he also reviewed candidates’ GPAs and judicial histories. “These are good people that I want to see run,” George said. “They deserve it.”

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