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A man waits in a squad car after being arrested during High Fest. Athens Police made only eight arrests Saturday, but undercover agents with the Ohio Investigative Unit made 49. (Sam Owens | File Photo)

Undercover agents arrest 49 at High Fest

Although Athens Police reported eight arrests made at High Fest on Saturday, the Ohio Investigative Unit more than sextupled the number of apprehended partiers.

Undercover agents with the Ohio Investigative Unit made an additional 49 arrests during High Fest, said Julie Hinds, spokeswoman for unit.

During last year’s Halloween block party, the Ohio Investigative Unit made 98 of the 148 total arrests, a trend Hinds said is not irregular.

“Athens Police tasked us to do this,” she said. “These arrests are just as valid as if APD had made them, and it’s not unusual for us to have more arrests than Athens Police.”

Of the unit’s arrests, 31 arrests were made at High Fest, while the remaining 18 were made at Athens bars later that night, according to documents released by the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

The department considers all arrests made during the day to be counted toward the High Fest arrest total, Hinds said.

The department pressed 74 charges during High Fest, including underage possession of alcohol, possession of fake IDs, selling or providing alcohol to minors, disorderly conduct and possession of illegal substances, according to department documents.

The unit made 32 arrests during High Fest last year, according to department documents.

Hinds declined to say how many undercover agents were present during High Fest, but confirmed that agents will be present at the upcoming fests, including Palmer and Palmer Place fests this weekend.

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