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OU President McDavis addresses new benefits program at Board of Trustees meeting

Ohio University President Roderick McDavis acknowledged, among other decisions, OU's parental leave pilot program during his report at Friday’s Board of Trustees meeting.

McDavis also highlighted the new partnership between OU's Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine and Cleveland Clinic, which includes building a northeast Ohio regional extension campus.

“There is a shortage in northeast Ohio,” McDavis said. “The college is going to fill that void in part by preparing primary care physicians that will work in the Cleveland Clinic.”

Of the project’s total $49.1 million cost, OU will be responsible for $36 million — a sum that will be taken on as university debt.

“This is a major decision that will hope improve the personal lives of people in northeast Ohio and take the brand of Ohio University to northeast Ohio,” McDavis said.

He briefly recognized OU-HCOM's contributions to OU's Promise Lives Campaign. Donations to the college added $128 million to the campaign.

McDavis also emphasized the parental leave pilot program, a benefit program set to begin in Jan. 2013. However, benefit eligible employees will be able to enroll in fall 2012.

Pam Benoit, OU's executive vice president and provost, will implement a team to prepare the program for fall enrollment.

“I think this makes us a family-friendly institution, to the extent that we implement this program and it does not jeopardize a faculty’s position relative to the tenure track,” McDavis said.

McDavis also took time to highlight former Dean of Students Ryan Lombardi’s promotion to Vice President of Student Affairs. He replaced Kent Smith, who left to serve as president of Langston University in Langston, Okla.

“Ryan has worked very well with leadership for the city and on campus as well,” McDavis said.

McDavis concluded his report with his “Points of Pride” presentation highlighting university accomplishments, including the award as a top university for Professional Sales Education by the Sales Education Foundation and earning a spot on the Princeton Review’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges.

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