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Scaffolding surrounds Jefferson Hall, where construction workers will be working on the roof for the next nine months. (Katharine Egli | Picture Editor)

Jeff Hall construction brings new roof, noise issues

The clanging of hammers and buzzing of power tools have replaced the sound of birds chirping on East Green.

The perimeter of Jefferson Hall has been encased in scaffolding while its clay-tile roof is replaced and repaired — a project that is scheduled to be completed by spring 2013.

In addition to replacing some of the clay tiles, the underlayment of the roof is being checked, which can be very extensive, said Harry Wyatt, associate vice president for facilities.

The tiles must be removed and tests must be run to conclude the roof is not rotting or leaking. If necessary, the underlayment will be replaced and the tiles reinstalled.

“It’s more of a problem of what’s underneath,” Wyatt said. “We can mix the old and new tiles in a manner that’s not noticeable. We can reuse about 90 percent (of the tiles).”

Trim pieces are also being inspected. The wooden pieces, copper copula, guttering and trim will be inspected for rotting or damaged areas and replaced if necessary.

Some students said the construction is putting a kink in their daily lives.

“It’s really awkward when you have your window open and you see random guys right outside your window all the time,” said Casimir Galiszewski, a sophomore studying photography who lives on the fourth floor of Jefferson Hall.

However, the construction has not affected the use of the dining hall or market in Jefferson. The building is at full occupancy.

“Being a resident assistant, I moved into Jeff a week before anyone else, and construction was already happening,” said Meg Lomboy, a sophomore studying organizational communication. “It just seems silly it’s going to take 10 months to finish. It’s just an eyesore on campus.”

Repairs to Bromley Hall are wrapping up, with exterior repairs and renovations to the dining and kitchen areas of the first floor soon to be completed.

Academic programs such as ROTC will begin to use the first floor of Bromley starting next month.

Designs are also in progress for Bush Hall on East Green. Wyatt said he anticipates going to the Board of Trustees for approval of the full rehabilitation of Bush Hall. All of the renovations to resident halls are fully paid for by the Residential Housing Auxiliary fund.

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