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The Post - Athens, OH
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Chatting with the Chief: a calm Thanksgiving and noise violation numbers

Ohio University’s first annual five-day Thanksgiving break came and went without much in the way of police work for the Athens Police Department.

“It was actually a very, very quiet week,” Athens Police Chief Tom Pyle said.

Pyle doesn’t know whether winter break or the weeks leading up to it will be as quiet, as it is the first semester the department has ever gone through.

“Maybe after we go through it this year, we will approach it differently,” Pyle said. “Honestly, I just don’t know what it will be like.”

He also said that the report on noise violations in Athens this year was recently released, and that to date, there have been 775 noise violations.

This is normal, Pyle said, with totals typically between 800 and 900 for an entire year.

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