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OU student sentenced to intervention program

Asa B. Hauser, an Ohio University student convicted for aggravated trafficking and tampering with evidence, settled his case Tuesday at the Athens County Court of Common Pleas.

Hauser was given two charges of aggravated trafficking, a third degree felony, on Aug. 26.

On Monday, Hauser filed for intervention in lieu of his conviction. Hauser’s defense cited an Ohio statute allowing for a diversion agreement where the accused would take an intervention program rather than serve prison time.

“The statute is designed to directly address alcohol and drug dependence when that dependence is a factor in the criminal behavior,” Judge George McCarthy wrote in a court document.

On Tuesday, Hauser pled guilty to tampering with evidence. His motion for intervention was granted and he was admitted into the Athens County Prosecuting Attorney’s Diversion Program.

Hauser was fined $1,000 for his convictions and received no prison time.


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