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Man sentenced to six years in prison for rape

Shannon Williams, a man accused of raping a woman last year, was sentenced to six years in prison Friday.

Judge George P. McCarthy of the Athens County Court of Common Pleas charged Williams with one count of felonious assault, a second-degree felony, and one charge of theft, a fifth-degree felony, according to a news release issued Tuesday.

Williams will spend six years in prison. He will then spend an additional three years under post-release control.

He is also required to pay the victim restitution.

According to a previous Post story, Williams was indicted Sept. 27, 2012, for raping a woman and stealing her Electronic Benefit Transfer card.

The Post does not print the names of victims of rape.

Williams’ defense intended to prove that he had consensual sex with the victim based on the victim’s mental health at the time, according to a previous Post article. Williams was granted access to the victim’s mental health records Aug. 13.

According to the news release issued Tuesday, “the victim was in agreement” with the resolution to convict Williams.


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