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Women's Basketball: Bobcats welcome a 'cub' to the pack

In a party filled with hot pink cupcakes and Capri Suns, Ohio added its newest player to the team in a press conference turned birthday party Tuesday night.

Adyn Bucher, 10, a fourth grader at Alexander Elementary, was welcomed along with her family and the rest of the Bobcats in company for the festivities.

“We (wanted) to invite a very special person to be a part of our team,” coach Bob Boldon said. “Adyn Bucher is going to join our team for the rest of the season … I’d like to welcome her to a part of our family.”

Bucher suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a rare disorder that slowly causes muscle weakness and decay over time. Diagnosed at just a year old, Bucher today moves around in her wheelchair.

Six weeks ago, Team IMPACT, a non-profit organization set out to improve the quality of life for children battling life-threatening illnesses, contacted Boldon. Once the team could find a day to welcome her, they set up the event, ironically on the eve of National Signing Day.

“I think it’s a nice prelude to where you’re dealing with a bunch of self-promotion tomorrow morning on ESPN with the changing of the hats and all the nonsense you’re going to see,” Boldon said. “And then you see the complete opposite of that (with Adyn). I think it’s kind of special.”

Members of the team began emailing back and forth with Bucher, exchanging info. On Tuesday night, she finally had face-to-face interaction, and she took the spotlight with junior guard Mariah Byard.

“On behalf of our team, I’d just like to say we’re so excited to have (Adyn) here,” Byard said. “I think we can use her to help with a little motivation. I think she’ll bring a lot of joy and happiness to the team and some good motivation to win.”

Bucher was given a pink Ohio jersey that was number one and had her name on the back. In addition, she received an autographed ball from the team and a new t-shirt.

Following pictures with the Bobcats, the team shared cupcakes together for Bucher’s birthday celebration, which included a unique rendition of “Happy Birthday” from freshman forward Jasmine Weatherspoon.

Adyn, who is a big basketball fan and likes the Cleveland Cavaliers, enjoyed her tour of the facilities at The Convo. Boldon said he knows it will be tough to have her at all of the events, but her parents, Brian and Lucy Bucher, are thankful for the opportunity.

“She’s incredibly excited,” Brian Bucher said. “It means a lot for her to be, not only to be on any team, but to be on this team.”

Boldon is optimistic that the Bobcats can one day in March go and visit Bucher in school.

“She’s never had a team experience -- that sense of camaraderie, that on the field, off the field kind of thing, she’s never really participated in,” Lucy Bucher said. “We’re thrilled. I think she’s going to have a blast.”


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