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Former Ohio softball player Lauren Gellerman poses in front of the Florence, Italy skyline. She is playing softball professionally for Forli Softball Club. (PROVIDED)

Softball: Bobcat grad Lauren Gellerman goes pro in Italy

All roads may lead to Rome, but Lauren Gellerman chose Forli, Italy instead.

After graduating from Ohio University in December, the former Bobcats softball catcher has put off the “real-world dreaded job search” in favor of continuing her playing career with Forli Softball Club, a professional team in Italy.

“I never thought my playing days would get me anywhere after college,” Gellerman said. “Italy is a place that I have heard great things about and a place I always wanted to visit at some point in my life. I never thought it would be this soon, or to play softball.”

Gellerman will spend the spring and the summer playing professional softball, but before she made the original decision to play overseas, she talked it over with former Ohio assistant and current Louisiana State volunteer coach Sharonda McDonald, who also played for Forli in 2009.

“I thought she’d be up for an adventure,” McDonald said. “She’s young, so now’s the time to do it. I told her it’s a great opportunity. I think she’ll have a lot of success.”

In addition to playing for the team of 15 players, which practices in a warehouse and shares eight bats, Gellerman has traveled throughout Italy to see the many tourist attractions.

With most of her teammates working other jobs or enrolled in school, Gellerman said she has a lot of time during the day, which has allowed her to sight-see or learn Italian using Rosetta Stone.

Despite the language barrier, McDonald and Gellerman each said they are able to communicate with their teammates using body language and occasionally English.

“It is hard to get used to a different language because everybody seems like they are talking so fast,” Gellerman said. “When the coach is talking, or something important is being said, the girls are very good about translating for me.”

To keep her friends and family updated on all things happening in Italy, Gellerman has put together a blog full of descriptions on everything from her apartment, her adjustment to the Italian language and lifestyle, and her love of Italian food.

McDonald said she had a great experience with the team and is confident Gellerman will do the same after already batting 3-for-6 with four runs scored in her first three games, according to her blog.

“I loved [Forli],” McDonald said. “It was my first time leaving the country, so it was a big deal for me. The organization really took care of all the players. There was a lot of softball, but there was also a lot of time to go around as a tourist.”

Ohio coach Jodi Hermanek, who worked with McDonald and Gellerman, said playing professionally is a great opportunity and loves seeing her players continue softball after their collegiate careers are finished.

“I think this is not only a great opportunity to Lauren, but for a lot of softball athletes around the country to know there’s another experience to be gained through the sport we love,” Hermanek said.



This article originally appeared in print under the headline "Bobcat grad goes pro with Italian team"

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