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Four OU students arrested at Student Senate meeting plea not guilty

The students arrested at Ohio University Student Senate appeared Thursday in Athens County Municipal Court.

All four students arrested at Wednesday night's heated Ohio University Student Senate meeting pleaded not guilty at their arraignments Thursday morning in Athens County Municipal Court.

Their pre-trial dates were all set for Sept. 24 at 8 a.m. The students, and Rabbi Danielle Leshaw, declined to comment. 

Judge William Grim originally scheduled the pre-trial dates for Jonah Yulish, 19, and Maxwell Peltz, 20, on Sept. 25, which is the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Becky Sebo, 20, and Gabriel Sirkin, 20, asked for their pre-trial dates to be set on Sept. 24 and the others changed, as well.

Each of the four students were charged with a fourth-degree misdemeanor count of disturbing a lawful meeting. That carries a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail and a $250 fine.


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