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Bed Post- Ian Ording

Learn relationship advice from new TV show ‘Sex Box’

The BedPost columnists discuss a new TV show.

Your BedPost advisers are back to tell you what to watch once more. We’ve been spoiled in the variety of onscreen sex to take in. This week’s recommendation comes by way of the TV set.

The Women’s Entertainment network will be premiering the program Sex Box this week.

The suggestion to watch the show is based on nothing but knowing the premise of the show. Three people hear what’s wrong with two other people’s relationship. Then the latter two convene in a large opaque box and f--k. Then the guys outside the box talk some more. Then they move on to another couple. There are commercials during all this.

I’m not sure why everyone in America should watch this show, but I know we all need to get on board. The whole premise is completely undercut by the fact that you can’t see in the box so you never see anyone even half naked. All that happens onscreen is relationship counseling. Viewers have no way of knowing whether there was any actual penetration in the box (heh).

So on one hand, despite there being no way of actually measuring it, I anticipate this being the most disappointing series premiere in history. On the other hand, the show could do a lot to get people to be more accepting of marriage and relationship counseling.

Marriage counseling has long been a somewhat taboo topic in America and continues to be so. Just last year, the president in House of Cards (the show you should actually watch on Friday) had to hide his sessions with a therapist and his wife from the public.

Hopefully, a bunch of folks will watch Sex Box and think, “That show is kinda dumb, but that whole talking-to-people-about-my-marriage thing? That might be a good idea.”

It might not be a big step in the lay folks’ consciousness, but making the public more accepting of getting help for their problems is always a good thing. Sex Box might do that.

Ian Ording is a senior studying journalism and copy chief of The Post.

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If your relationship is slowly dulling from the sparkling diamond it once was, the obvious solution is to get in a giant box on television and get naked. In fact, that might be the only solution. It’s all we have left.

That’s the premise of the television show Sex Box, premiering Friday on WE TV for those of us who won’t be having actual sex at that time. On this incredible venture into the meaning of love, a couple experiencing relationship troubles receives advice from a panel of sex experts before clambering into a windowless box made especially for coitus. Viewers at home can’t actually see the sex for themselves, but they can get a warm fuzzy feeling from knowing that sex is indeed happening. The couple then apparently rates their partner on their sexual abilities for all of America to see. In turn, all of their relationship mishaps are magically solved in exchange for blatant self-absorption. Love is beautiful. The panel of “sexperts” also assists the love-lost couple in finding their true selves. I’m sure everyone cries in the end.

Apparently this show is already controversial, thanks to the Parents Television Council, which created a petition calling to cancel Sex Box. Yet, this show sounds like the least sexy thing to ever hit television. At least in shows like Glee you see some heavy panting and face-kissing. In Sex Box, you get only half of what’s mentioned in the title: a box. Sex could happen in it. It probably won’t.

Emma Ockerman is the local editor at The Post and a sophomore studying journalism.

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