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Athens city pool

Athens City Council hears ‘contentious’ conversation over city pool at committee meeting

Athens City Council's conversation centered on the want of many citizens for an indoor pool.

Athens City Councilman Kent Butler, D-1st Ward, prefaced Monday night's committee meeting with a disclaimer.

“We have some potentially contentious issues tonight," Butler said. "They’re not meant to be contentious, but be aware."

About 10 residents spoke their mind about the Athens City Pool after Larry Brandstetter, president of BrandstetterCarroll Inc., “clarified misinformation and disinformation” about the pool's design.

The current Athens City Pool is an outdoor pool that is about 40 years old and in need of repair, Andrew Chiki, assistant director of the Athens Community Arts, Parks and Recreation Department said.

"We do have several issues with our current pool," Chiki said. "And that for me is very stressful."

Though several residents said they want a new indoor pool, Brandsetter asserted an indoor pool would operate at a deficit of about $100,000 each year.

"I’ll stand behind our staff and I’ll stand behind your committee,” Brandstetter said. “We are here working for you, the citizens, until we get something satisfactory.”

Athens resident Linda Phillips questioned the hesitancy the Arts, Parks and Recreation Department had toward operating the indoor pool at a deficit.

“I want to challenge the idea that a city service has to be revenue neutral,” Phillips said. “Do hiking trails lose money?”

Sara Needler, a local physical therapist, spoke on behalf of the patients she sees every day in support of an indoor pool.

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“I work with people with disabilities every day," Needler said. "I’m just here to support the implementation and consideration of the indoor pool to help these people."

Athens resident Stephanie Goldsberry echoed her support for an indoor pool.

“I’m definitely for an indoor pool. I’ve been swimming for 25 years,” Goldsberry said. “It’s very therapeutic. I don’t have back problems anymore because I swim. I think it’s now or never.”

Todd Swearingen of Guysville said to offset some of the costs Athens should consider working with Ohio University to possibly build a joint facility.

Director of Arts, Parks and Recreation Rich Campitelli told the citizens to steer away from this idea.

“Let’s leave OU out of it,” Campitelli said. “I trust (Brandstetter's) numbers are correct.”

Councilman Steve Patterson, D-At Large, head of the City and Safety Services Committee responsible for facilitating discussion on the pool, said nothing is set in stone. Going forward, he and other council members will revisit the plan.

“This was a feasibility study and to see how feasible these options were,” Patterson said.


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