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Athens City Building

Athens City Council to discuss 2016 budget, non-union employees benefit review

Councilman Jeff Risner expects 2016 to be a "lean year" because some of the grant money the city has used in the past is now unavailable.

Forget listening to Christmas music  Councilman Jeff Risner, D-2nd Ward, is already thinking about 2016 for the Athens City Council.

Risner, along with the rest of city council, will start the process of passing their budget for 2016 at Monday night's meeting, he said.

“There’s just a lot of housekeeping stuff to get done,” Risner said. “We’re simply running out of time.”

Some of the grants the city has relied on in previous years to complete projects are unavailable now, Risner said.

“It’s going to be a lean year,” Risner said of the city's budget. “Revenues are tight.”

Risner's Finance and Personnel Committee will also discuss the non-union employee benefits review.

The review stems from a memo sent in August stating after Oct. 3 non-union employees of the city could only accrue a maximum of three years of vacation time. Employees would lose any additional vacation time they have saved up.

Risner said the amount an employee would be allowed to max out at would vary. With every year of employment, employees are given more vacation time per year.

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Council will also be hearing two presentations Monday evening.

President of City Council Chris Knisley said UpGrade Athens County will be providing a progress report to council.

UpGrade Athens County is a county-wide collaboration between all sectors of the community who are passionate about energy responsibility, according to its website.

The second presentation will be from the city’s income tax specialist, Tina Timberman, Knisley said.

“She’s going to be talking to us about our tax code because of a change in state law,” Knisley said. “We’re needing to make certain revisions to our code.”

A special session will be held after the regular city council committee meeting to pass ordinances.

One of the ordinances included is for the issuance of bonds for $523,411 associated with purchasing a new pumper truck for the city.


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