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City council members fielded concerns from uptown business owners during their meeting on September 8, 2015. 

City administration looking to 'enter 21st century' with updated computer system

Athens City Council talked about a new computer system and server for the city administration building and the latest in the Athens Uptown Business Association's Trick-or-Treat.

Athens City Council is looking to replace the city administration’s outdated computer server and its 12-year-old software.

The city currently still uses Windows 2003, Councilman Jeff Risner, D-2nd Ward, said.

The antiquated system will cost $75,000 to replace, he added.

“It is a critical system of the city,” Risner said at last week’s committee meetings. “If it goes down, we don’t have any way to communicate. Believe it or not, we really have moved into the 21st century, people.”

Service-Safety Director Paula Horan-Moseley said the biggest issues are storage capacity, speed and functionality.

“Certain documents just take up a lot of space,” Horan-Moseley said. “And we’re running out of space.”

With only the first reading of the ordinance to grant the money for the project ticked off the list Monday night, the ordinance will not be voted on until, at the earliest, Nov. 2.

“We’ll keep our fingers crossed,” Risner said.

Discussion of the Athens Uptown Business Association trick-or-treat persisted this week as well.

Councilwoman Michele Papai, D-3rd Ward, brought forward a second ordinance to close Court Street during the Oct. 26 event.

“We discussed this at length last week,” Papai said. “We’ll bag (the parking meters) at two o’clock.”

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After parking meters are bagged at 2:00 p.m., vehicles must be moved by 4:00 p.m. at the latest, Papai said.

“(Trick-or-treat) begins at 5:30 p.m. (and goes) to 7:00 p.m.,” Papai said. “The half-hour leeway is for the city to get the street in order before and afterward.”

Another potential problem for the young trick-or-treaters coming into Athens will be the impending close of the Athens City parking garage.

“Either next week or the week after the parking garage must be shut down … for a full week, a Monday through Friday,” Horan-Moseley said.

Though city officials are looking to complete the parking garage before the Halloween Block Party, only five days after AUBA’s event, trick-or-treaters may find themselves without much parking.


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