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APhiO raises money to send books, care packages to troops overseas

Service organization APhiO hosted a kickball game to raise money for troops in need of books.

A game of kickball Saturday not only entertained students, but will also entertain U.S. troops serving overseas through books and care packages.

Alpha Phi Omega, a coed service organization on campus, hosted a kickball tournament Saturday to raise money for Books for Soldiers, an organization that sends care packages to soldiers and fills their book requests.

Abby Miller, a junior studying journalism and member of APhiO, had a hand in planning the event, which took place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at OU's intramural fields.

“The theme for service week this year is 'Literacy for All,' so we were looking up charities that have to do with literacy and we found the organization online,” Miller said.

Zane Simon, an APhiO member and senior studying electrical engineering, also had a hand in planning the event.

“We were looking for events that we could do around here because there’s only so much you can do in a smaller town,” Simon said.

Along with raising money through the kickball tournament, APhiO also set up a number of hot dog stands over the weekend. Miller said the organization is raising money to buy books through Amazon Prime and send care packages.

“Our three main tenants are service, leadership, and friendship, so it’s really important for us to do a lot of different service events," Miller said. "Service week gives us an opportunity to all come together and contribute to one charity."

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APhiO member Mackenzie Kistler attended the kickball tournament on Saturday. Kistler, a sophomore studying journalism, believes it's important to give back to those in need.

“I think there are some people that are less fortunate and, if you’re not, I think it’s your responsibility to help them out,” Kistler said.

APhiO member Brittany Weiner, a sophomore studying nursing, also attended the event on Saturday and echoed Kistler's sentiments toward charity.

“We take so much while we’re here," Weiner said. "It’s important that while we’re consuming stuff, we give back to those around us."


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