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Hannah Clouser, Ohio University Student Senate president

Guest Column: Student Senate President invites new students to join student government

Hannah Clouser remarks about how her time with Student Senate has significantly improved her college experience.

Welcome to the Bobcat Family. College is such a fun, rewarding time of your life and, like most things, you truly get out what you put in. As I look forward to my senior year here at one of the greatest universities out there, I am happy with what I have put in and gotten out so far and I am excited to see what next year holds.

I have experienced a great education in the College of Arts and Sciences, but I have also gotten thoroughly involved on campus. I have had the chance to give back to the place that has given me so much. One particularly impactful way I have been able to do this by being a part of Ohio University Student Senate.

I joined senate my freshman year as an intern, not really knowing what to expect. I kind of got involved on accident through my learning community.

I began my time as an intern, making calls to the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus to set up meeting where Student Senate representatives could lobby for student trustee voting rights. Sophomore year, I was a Senate Appropriations Commission (SAC) senator where I got to review applications of other student organizations and help make their events a reality by giving them funding.

Junior year, I was treasurer and I began to see what it was like behind the scenes of senate as an executive. I worked with an amazing team to completely revamp the internal structure of senate, personally having a hand in a constitutional amendment, the first since 1994. Being able to write the rules, to make this change that I know will make a lasting difference on students for years to come, has been one of the coolest feelings — I've really been able to be a part of something bigger than just myself. 

Three years later, I am the new president. Senate has honestly been one of the greatest accidents of all time. 

This year, I start the year off with a list of goals that my fellow senate members and I hope to see accomplished, such as increased compost bins on campus, stronger outreach by senate to the student body and trips to the Statehouse to lobby for more funding towards higher education, just to name a few. 

Senate has so many ways that you can get involved and turn your passion into real change on campus. We have 12 commissions that advocate for all types of students on campus and we have many elected representatives that constantly work to be the voice of the student body.

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Are you motivated and ready to be the voice for your peers? Do you want the chance to meet members of upper level administration and see how you as a student can make a positive change during your time here at Ohio University? Are you looking for a group to help you grow as a person while also making a difference? If you answered yes to any of those questions, I highly encourage you to check out Student Senate and become involved. We have many spots for interns available!

Regardless of whether or not you’re interested in getting involved, senate will always be a resource for you during your time at OHIO. We take student concerns and do our best to find solutions. Our office is located in Baker 305 and our doors are always open. Every voice matters, so please stop by and share yours with us. Enjoy these next four years here. You are in for a great experience.

Hannah Clouser is a senior studying actuarial science and president of Student Senate. Are you interested in joining Student Senate? Email her at

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