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Councilman Jeff Risner, D-2nd Ward, and Clerk of Council Debra Walker chat before the Athens City Council meeting Aug. 28. (FILE)

City Council: Members to discuss bicycle and skateboard use Uptown

Athens City Council members will meet Monday to discuss traffic code amendments pertaining to bicycles and skateboards Uptown, as well as administrative offenses for jaywalking. 

Council members will also continue to discuss the city’s 2018 budget.

During the Oct. 9 council meeting, Athens City Auditor Kathy Hecht said that the city budget is still a work in progress. 

Council members will hear a presentation from the Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau about its new increase in funding. The visitors bureau is receiving 50 percent of the money from the city’s transient guest tax, which is now following the Ohio Revised Code, according to a previous Post report. It was previously receiving 35 percent of the money from that tax.

“I’m glad that we found this oversight, however it came to be, and that we are now following the Ohio Revised Code as it should be followed,” Councilwoman Michele Papai, D-3rd Ward, said at that meeting. 

Paige Alost, executive director of the Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau, previously said the bureau feels good about the direction it is going with that large increase in funding.

“I think this is exciting because the money can be used to market Athens and Athens County better,” Councilwoman Chris Fahl, D-4th Ward, said in a previous Post report.

Athens Community Television will also be giving a presentation to council members regarding a contract renewal. 

“Our mission is to provide individuals, organizations, agencies, institutions, and groups from our community the facilities, training and equipment necessary to produce quality television programs and to serve as a community forum that empowers all citizens to learn, create and express their ideas through local media,” the website reads.

Council members will also discuss municipal garage and continuous on-street holiday parking, as well as occupancy permits and compliance forms for rental dwellings.


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