Illustration by Abbie Kinney

Homecoming events/personality based on your major

Published October 5, 2023

Homecoming events/personality based on your major

What you’re doing during Homecoming Weekend based on your major

By Alicia Szczesniak | For The Post

Students and alums alike are getting ready to take to the streets and celebrate during Ohio University’s Homecoming Weekend. However, there are a few different ways people are going to celebrate over the weekend and their majors play a role.


I’m willing to bet the stereotype is true. You’re probably at the bars or at a party, ready to rage all weekend and still make it to your Monday morning classes.


You’re either still in your dorm, your apartment or in a lab. You honestly might have forgotten that Homecoming Weekend was THIS weekend because you’re currently running off four cups of coffee and a few slices of pizza while trying to make whatever project you’re working on work.


You’re out covering Homecoming Weekend before (or after) joining in the fun yourself, all while completely ignoring the article you have due on Monday. I mean you’ll get it done when you get home, right?


For the art majors who are going out and aren’t at home enjoying a cup of tea and either playing video games or watching anime, you’re absolutely tearing it up at a party in the most outlandish outfit that still looks good.


You’re either out at the bars until the early hours of the morning, drunk texting your ex or your situationship, or you’re at home watching criminal minds. There is no in between.


Your friends probably dragged you to a party, and you thought you would hate it, but now you’re chatting with someone else who was dragged there. They are either in the same or a very similar major as you.


You’re the undisputed mom-friend of your friend group, so you’re the one who has snacks and water packed in your bag all while trying to keep an eye on all your drunk friends.


You are absolutely living it up this weekend in a polished, put-together outfit — complete with a matching bag — partying with your friends. And the best part is that you’re still going to make it back home to study for your upcoming exam.

AUTHOR: Alicia Szczesniak

EDITOR: Grace Koennecke

COPY EDITOR: Addie Hedges