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5 easy meals to make in dorm rooms

Here are some dorm-friendly meals to make when the dining hall just isn’t doing it.

Ohio University has many dining options on and off campus, but sometimes one just needs a home- or rather dorm-cooked meal.

Whether one is having a cozy night in, a gathering with friends or even trying to impress the person they have had a crush on forever, here are some of the easiest, budget-friendly meals one can make from the comfort of your dorm.


Pasta is a classic comfort meal, extremely versatile and the perfect meal after a long day of classes. Pasta can easily be made in the microwave by taking a microwave-safe bowl and filling it with pasta and water.

One can purchase a microwave pasta cooker, which can make this meal even easier to achieve in the dorm. Pasta sauce can also be heated up in the microwave making this the perfect dorm dish. 

Prices range from $1-2 for a box at most supermarkets, although you should budget more for gluten-free or whole-grain noodles.


Another easy meal to make in a dorm room is rice. Rice has endless meal opportunities and an instant cup of rice is not only cheap, but it can be customized and made quickly.

A bag of frozen vegetables can be popped in the microwave and added to rice to up the nutrients and provide a more fulfilling meal. A can of black beans, some cheese and lettuce on top of the rice can make a D.I.Y. Chipotle bowl. Simply adding some salt and pepper to the rice makes for a simple meal. 

Prices range from $1-3, and you should budget more for add-ins.


When one thinks of dorm-friendly foods, a bowl of ramen noodles is most likely at the top of the list. It is dirt cheap, quick to make and easy to stock up on before the semester begins.

It may not be great for every meal, but a package of ramen noodles can be a saving grace on a rainy, cold or overall bad day. It is a classic college staple for a reason. 

Prices start at $0.30 per package.


The various ingredients to put together a salad may seem hard to get and keep in a dorm; however, it is not that difficult. Keeping some fresh vegetables on hand in the fridge is always a great idea, and a salad is an easy, healthy and low-effort meal.

Personal customizations, such as various meats and cheeses, can also make a salad a fulfilling meal packed with protein and nutrients. 

Prices for this meal vary based on ingredients.

Overnight oatmeal 

Breakfast in a dorm room can be tricky to make. Toasters are not allowed in dorms and the lack of freezer space in the provided mini fridges makes it difficult to store frozen breakfast foods. Overnight oats are a simple alternative to this issue and are easy to make, requiring minimal ingredients and perfect for on-the-go breakfasts.

One-half cup of milk (2% or alternative) and one-half cup of old-fashioned rolled oats combined and refrigerated overnight is all the recipe requires. Yogurt, bananas, fruit, peanut butter, protein powder and vanilla are some optional extras one can add to turn this recipe into a breakfast-must have. 

Prices range from around $4 for only milk and oats (price varies for non-dairy milk) to more when budgeting for add-ins. 

For college students in dorms, it may seem daunting to try and whip up meals with only a microwave and a fridge; however, there are plenty of options to make meals right from the comfort of the dorm. For college students living in houses with access to full kitchens, the possibilities are endless.

All of the ingredients for the meals on this list can be found at supermarkets like Walmart, and most can even be found in the on-campus markets at OU.

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