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The Post - Athens, OH
The independent newspaper covering campus and community since 1911.
The Post

BSO is just the beginning of a fantastic experience

Hello, new Bobcats! We are so excited to welcome you to Ohio University. As two incoming seniors ourselves, it is quite bittersweet to think back on our Bobcat Student Orientation as happening nearly three years ago. We know you must be feeling a multitude of new emotions: from scared to overwhelmed to excited. Let us assure you OU is where you are meant to be, and you are about to embark on an amazing new experience. 

A lot of things are going to change in your life soon, but there will be one thing that will be a constant: The Post! For those of you who are not familiar with what we do, we are an independent, award-winning student-run news publication on OU’s campus and in the Athens community.  We have been around in some capacity since 1911, and we pride ourselves in delivering our readers innovative and detailed storytelling through multi-platform reporting. The Post covers topics relating to student interests, faculty, academia, culture, the arts and athletics, as well as state and national issues. 

Along with producing digital content daily, The Post also publishes a weekly print tabloid each Tuesday classes at OU are in session. The tabloid is distributed to 80 campus and community locations.

More than anything, we strive to create content to inform, entertain and help our readers. Whether that be delivering breaking news, featuring a new small business or even providing a review on a new album release, The Post can be trusted to deliver content you as a Bobcat will want to read. 

As you embark on this new chapter, there are so many things we can say to you to make the transition a little easier. Everything from calling your parents and loved ones to joining new organizations can improve your experience. However, one piece of advice that has helped us throughout our college career is this: be yourself. You will soon meet an abundance of people who will change your life. From friends to professors to staff, OU will be the birthplace of some of your most cherished relationships. Having authenticity as the base of any relationship will help to ensure they are long-lasting.

We hope you enjoy the rest of your BSO experience, and do not forget to keep a look out for the newest edition of The Post. In the meantime, you can visit our website at or our YouTube page and follow us on Instagram @thepostathens, Facebook @ThePost and X, formerly known as Twitter, @ThePost.

Once classes are in session, feel free to stop by our newsroom in Baker University Center 325. 

Cheers, new Bobcats!

Alyssa Cruz and Madalyn Blair

Alyssa Cruz and Madalyn Blair are seniors studying journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of these columnists do not reflect those of The Post



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