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Politics and Pop Culture: Utilize campus mental health resources

College is one of the most transformative times in a person’s life. Serving as the buffer period between adolescence and adulthood, it paves the way for self-discovery and independence; being on one’s own for the first time can be an exhilarating feeling. 

However, college can also be extremely scary, lonely and isolating. The high highs are often offset by very low lows. In fact, the majority of college students meet the criteria for at least one mental health issue, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among them. The pressures of academic performance, unfamiliar environments and new responsibilities can really take a toll on students’ mental health.

Because of that, it is so important to recognize and address the emotional challenges that come with such an unpredictable stage in life. Utilize campus mental health resources — most colleges have plenty, and OU is no different.

OU prides itself on supporting its students in every capacity, especially when it comes to their mental well-being. Counseling and Psychological Services offers a plethora of resources that cater to the diverse needs of the student body, including the “Let’s Talk” hours, which are from Sunday to Friday from 5 to 10 p.m. in Living Learning Center Room 160. No appointment is needed, and counselors remain available for walk-ins during these hours should students need immediate support.

Another valuable resource is the Coping Café, a daily in-person, drop-in workshop that allows students to practice coping strategies. Additionally, there are various drop-in support spaces where students can share experiences with and receive support from their peers.

For those seeking more structured support, Counseling and Psychological Services offers scheduled appointments with licensed campus therapists. Students can opt for bi-weekly individual sessions or join weekly group sessions, depending on their preferences and needs. The Counseling and Psychological Services offices are located on the third floor of Hudson Health Center on North Green. 

It is important to recognize that crises can occur at any time. For that reason, OU provides a 24-hour crisis hotline. Students can speak to licensed, confidential staff members who are ready to offer immediate support and guidance.  

For incoming students, please recognize that seeking help and utilizing available resources is a sign of strength, not weakness. Half the world’s population experiences a mental health issue at some point in their lives, it is part of the human experience. OU has an extensive support system -- so take advantage of it -- that is what the resources are there for. Taking care of one’s mental health is instrumental in having a positive college experience. 

College is a pivotal time in one’s life, and it is a rollercoaster filled with new opportunities and challenges. It is crucial for students to prioritize their well-being and treat themselves with care. By embracing one’s struggles and taking the necessary steps to seek support, students can develop healthy coping mechanisms that will serve them well beyond their college years. Remember, it’s OK to not be OK.

Brianna Tassiello is a senior studying journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the opinions expressed in this article do not represent those of The Post. Want to talk to Brianna? Email her at

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