SAD affects 10 million Americans.

It’s going to start getting colder here in Athens. The days will be shorter and darker, likely leading to unhappy feelings throughout campus. And, with appropriate timing, The Washington Post wrote about a disorder that can stem from the progressive transition into the more bleak and vacant days of winter: seasonal affective disorder

According to the article, S.A.D., or seasonal affective disorder, is estimated to affect 10 million Americans and has been colloquially dubbed “Winter Blues,” which could undoubtedly double as a great title for a folk song.

Despite the dimming days, there are certain effective ways to combat that quarterly qualm. Exercise, meditation and “light therapy” are all suggested ways of beating this disorder. The Huffington Post even advises to “make time for the things that make you happy.”

That would be a good tip, but this is college, and there’s no free time until Thanksgiving break. So, maybe another option might be better suited in the winter throes of the Hocking Valley. My suggestion is coffee.


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In additional neuro-centric news, anxiety and negative thoughts might better prepare people to receive test grades, according to a new study published in the Journal Emotion. Allegedly, when someone considers all possible score outcomes of their exam, it allows them to better accept their own score, whether it’s good or bad.

So, if you’re looking to kick your fear of getting a test back, you should probably debate whether or not to choose a different major to feel more at peace. With all that worrying and introspection, I’d suggest philosophy.


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