In this week’s Pet Instagram, Calico the hedgehog travels to national parks and inside of coffee mugs.

Many have a dream to travel the world, whether it’s a flight overseas, a road trip or just an adventurous journey. Regardless if that dream is accomplished before a career or during retirement, it may be concerning that a hedgehog may have seen and experienced more earthly excursions than you.

Calico (@adventuresofcalico), a 2-year-old female African Pygmy hedgehog, is the star of this week’s Pet Instagram of the Week review. Her owners document her daily life and travels, which included a road trip last summer in which she visited the White House, Shenandoah National Park and Madison Blue Springs State Park. When she’s not out answering the call of the wild, she can be found at home being photographed inside different coffee mugs and in various outfits.

Quality of Pictures

Most of the pictures on the account appear to be taken with a DSLR, so you can enjoy plenty of high-quality photos of a hedgehog being held in front of a scenic backdrop. That’s the basic formula for a lot of the pictures here, but it’s simple and it works. Other pictures include Calico being placed in coffee mugs for some reason, which is adorable so I’m not going to question it. Because there aren’t many clothes that can fit a hedgehog, her outfits are mostly limited to very small hats, although one picture shows her attempting to model an oversized sweater vest. Photos on the account range from Calico in front of a simple white background, to photos of her crawling and exploring nature on her own. And of course, there are plenty of holiday-themed posts as well, in which Calico dons a Santa hat for Christmas or poses next to a very small pumpkin for Halloween.

Rate of Posts

The owners of the account seem to post about an average of one to three pictures per week, which for its 86,000 followers is just enough to avoid an oversaturation of hedgehog pictures, but not so infrequently that you will forget she exists. The posts seem to be a little more frequent when Calico is on a road trip or exploring in general.

We were tagged by @lifeofmill to share our favorite photo of 2014! We tag @hedgehogmeeps, @huxleythehedgie, and @brinkleygolden_official to do the same! Thank you for a wonderful year! by @adventuresofcalico

Cuteness of Pet

Any animal that fits into the palm of your hand is almost guaranteed to be cute. Thus, Calico was an immediate hit for me. I already love national parks and cute animals, so seeing both of them at once is almost overwhelming. Calico’s go-to pose is to curl up in a ball with her feet up in the air, but sometimes she extends her arms out in what I can only assume is the hedgehog equivalent of pure euphoria.

Overall Rating: 4/5

This is a great account and a great way to document the life of someone’s furry friend. The photo setups aren’t overdone, her outfits are only worn on rare occasions instead of too much and she seems to genuinely enjoy being in nature. Though, some of the compositions of the photographs leave something to be desired, which is why the account won’t get a full 5/5 rating. While the quality of the pictures are fine, sometimes I would like to see more of what’s behind her instead of just seeing her and the ground.


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