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Oh you mean THAT Toledo?: Saying goodbye to Spain with no regrets

At the beginning of this year, I left for Spain as a nice Christian girl.

I’m not sure how many people expected me to return this way.

It’s true that my time in Spain has presented a lot of “firsts” for me. I started drinking here. I hung out with guys in bars here. I took a ride from a stranger to go swimming in hot springs here.

These experiences haven’t been the most formative for me, however. I would argue that any number of other adventures affected me more.

I marveled at Antoni Gaudí’s genius in Barcelona’s Parc Güell, La Sagrada Familia and Casa Battló. I experienced the awe-inspiring pleasure of being in the same room as Picasso’s Guernica. I immersed myself in Toledo’s culture and watched as the Spanish way of life has become second nature for me. I traveled alone to Cuenca, one of Spain’s most beautiful cities, and picked up solo travel skills that I hope will help me when I spend spring break in Italy.

These are the things I will remember the most. These are the stories I will pass on most often.

However, I don’t regret branching out and trying new things. I don’t regret taking risks.

The evenings I spent sharing wine with friends resulted in some great conversations.

The hours I spent in bars chatting with Spanish guys were extremely useful for improving my Spanish in a casual setting.

And the night I hopped in a car with my friends and was driven to go swimming in natural hot springs in the middle of nowhere will remain one of the quarter’s best memories.

One of the promises I made myself before I left the United States was that I would set aside my fears and try new things. I have kept that promise and discovered in the best way possible that many learning opportunities take place outside of a classroom.

However, I made another vow to myself before I left the United States. I promised myself that I wouldn’t forget who I was while I was abroad. For me, that pledge was even more important. And I will return to the United States knowing this promise was kept, too.

Through all my adventures in Spain, all my risk-taking, I have done nothing I am ashamed of. I’ve done nothing I regret. And I have never had a moment in which I looked back and said, “Darn it, I probably should have passed up that opportunity.”

I’ve changed during these weeks. I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’m not going to be the same person or have the same perspectives when I return from this adventure.

But I’m still Rebecca. I still have nothing to hide. And if you ask for stories about Spain, I’d be happy to tell you all about Parc Güell. But I’ll also fill you in on tapas crawls and midnight swimming.

Both memories are equally as dear to this nice Christian girl.

Rebecca McKinsey is a sophomore studying journalism and Spanish who is studying abroad in Toledo, Spain. Send her an e-mail at


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