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Group cooks up social at East Green residencies

The Muslim Students Association is reaching out to students with free food at a cookout Sunday. 

For the first time, the Islamic Center is working with residence halls in an effort to reach out to people, said Omar Kurdi, communications chair of the Muslim Students Association and a junior studying political science and global studies.  

The cookout will be centered on East Green residence halls since they are next door to the center, but everyone is invited, he said. 

“It’s a situation where you know people see us, but they don’t interact, but we want to get everyone involved,” Kurdi said. 

All of the food will be provided, so people just need to bring themselves, Kurdi said.

“A Palestinian farmer who lives outside the town is preparing the meat and will be helping us cook food to keep it halal (lawful under Islamic food guidelines),” he said.   

Jessica Lindner, a Residential Assistant at the Read-Johnson Scholars‘ Complex and a junior studying environmental and plant biology, will be visiting the Islamic Center for the first time and has been working on getting her residents and the Read-Johnson Complex involved. 

“Students should go because this is a really cool chance to meet other students who they’ve probably only had very limited interaction with,” she said. “It will be like a spring picnic, something to bring neighbors together and make enriching friendships.”


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