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Passover Seder to be held for students

Hillel at Ohio University is kicking off the eight-day celebration of the Israelites’

escape from slavery with a Passover Seder on Monday night.

The Hillel building is kosher for the week, meaning no outside food is allowed inside unless it has been prepared in a kosher environment, said Lauren Goldberg, engagement professional for Hillel at OU.  

About 140 tables are set up to accommodate everyone who wants to attend, Goldberg said.

“We’re anticipating a few more though,” she said. 

Both Nathan Moncrieff, a freshman studying meteorology, and Elana Gloger, a freshman studying pre-med and psychology, said they are looking forward to celebrating Passover at OU for the first time.

“I’ve been celebrating the same for as long as I can remember, but being in college I’m certainly anticipating something more unique,” Moncrieff said. “It’s the challenge of depending on myself to keep Kosher.”

Gloger said celebrating Rosh Hashanah at the beginning of the year with Hillel at OU was a great experience, so she is looking forward to ending the academic year with the Passover celebrations.

Hillel at OU will also have a free kosher dinner following Friday Shabbat. For students living in the dorms, Nelson Dining Hall will be serving kosher-style food for students, Goldberg said. “Since the food isn’t prepared in a kosher kitchen, we can’t say it’s kosher, but it is kosher-style,” she added. 

Staying kosher during the holiday can be tricky, both at home and at school, she said.

“Seriously, matzah is the go-to for everything, and Passover cereal isn’t as bad as you’d think,” she said. “But by day five, you really start missing bread and matzah just tastes like a really, really bad excuse for a cracker; however, keeping kosher throughout the whole holiday is definitely worth it in the end, and I plan on doing my best to keep it this year.


If You Go

What: Passover Seder

When: 6 p.m., Monday 

Where: Hillel at OU, 21 Mill St.

Admission: $20 before, $25 at the door for students, $25 before $30 at the door for community members

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