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Sarah Jenkins

Women's Center program coordinator leaving her post

Sarah Jenkins, Ohio University's Women's Center program coordinator, is taking a job at the University of Virginia.

Sarah Jenkins, program coordinator of the Women’s Center, will be leaving her post at Ohio University.

After working for almost 3 years at OU, Jenkins will be leaving to work at the University of Virginia’s Women’s Center as a mentoring coordinator for UVA’s Young Women Leaders Program.

Jenkins’ last day as the Women’s Center program coordinator will be at the end of Spring Semester.

“It’s a very natural progression, I loved my job here and … I will forever be grateful to OU for the opportunities that they have given me,” Jenkins said. “I have a lot of family in Virginia, so personally the move will give me more opportunity to be a lot closer to the people that I love.” 

Previously, Jenkins worked as the program coordinator for both the LGBT and Women’s centers. Jenkins began working full time as the program coordinator for the Women’s Center in the spring of 2015. 

“I am going to miss OU and my Bobcat family,” Jenkins said. “I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Ohio but I got an opportunity so I am looking forward to something new.”


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