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Andy Grammer will perform in the Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium on Monday at 7:30 p.m. (Provided via the OU Performing Arts and Concert Series website)

Andy Grammer to perform in MemAud this October

Nah, nah, honey we’re good now that Andy Grammer will be keeping our heads up.

Singer-songwriter Andy Grammer is the newest addition to the Ohio University Performing Arts Series. He will bring his talents to Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium on Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 for the first 10 rows and $25 for the remainder.

Grammer is best known for smash hits “Keep Your Head Up” and “Honey, I’m Good.” Both Billboard Hot 100 Hits, “Honey, I’m Good” Peaked at No. 9 and stayed on the chart for 31 weeks, while “Keep Your Head Up” enjoyed a 20-week run, peaking at No. 53.

With nearly 5 million monthly listeners on Spotify, the popstar is sure to fill MemAud with his feel-good jams. 


Correction: A previous version of the photo caption incorrectly spelled Andy Grammer's name. The caption has been updated to reflect the most accurate information.

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