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The Post - Athens, OH
The independent newspaper covering campus and community since 1911.
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Depths of Music: Fall out Boy

Pop punk legends fall out boy return to the limelight on their new studio album. After one of the most disappointing albums in pop punk, is So Much (For) Stardust enough to bring the band back to the quality we know them for? How had a pandemic and a pop punk revival shaped one of the biggest names in the genre?

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Is This Too Niche? Reading the Stars

What does it mean when Mercury is in retrograde? As it turns out, the ancient people asked the same questions and studied the sky in the same way that we do! Tune in to learn all about the history of astrology and horoscopes!Episode References:

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This week, the girls are swapping juicy online stories and getting their raw reactions. Tune in for some anonymous gossip and stories from family secrets, relationship drama and AITA’s. Emma and Lauren also run through their current obsessions and provide you a weekly roundup of pop culture drama.

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