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The Post - Athens, OH
The independent newspaper covering campus and community since 1911.
The Post



Guide to the 2024 primaries, their importance

The deadline to register for the primaries is Feb. 20 and students can register to vote or check their voter registration online at Ohio’s voter registration system. Elections will be locally held for people to vote for whoever is in their registered political party March 19. 

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Rise & Grind creates another local coffee option

Athens recently welcomed a new coffee food truck to its uptown area, Rise & Grind. With the addition of the business, there are now four local coffee options in the uptown area that are less than a five-minute walk from one another, creating more options for coffee drinkers and potential competition between businesses. 


Athens struggles to maintain affordable housing options

One of Athens Mayor Steve Patterson’s initiatives is to create more affordable and durable housing options for Athens residents; however, as the years have gone on, the cost to create these changes continues to increase. Patterson is determined to keep the affordable project happening. 


Ohio Senate Bill 83 set to change state universities regarding DEI

Ohio Senate Bill 83, known as the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act, is on its eleventh revision, and it is specifically regulating the content taught by professors, hindering diversity, equity and inclusion training within universities, and restricting partnerships with China. Lawmakers have until the end of 2024 to pass this version of the bill. 

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City Council seeks to limit underage nicotine use

There is no state-wide license for vapor nicotine products, so without the TRL, smoke shops selling only vapor products can sell to whomever they want with little consequences, Ohio Regional Director of Tobacco 21 Wendy Hyde said. 

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