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The Post - Athens, OH
The independent newspaper covering campus and community since 1911.
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5 podcasts to listen to on campus

Popular podcasts have taken the internet by storm, sharing fun stories and giving everyone internet personalities they can relate to. Here are 5 of the best podcasts to listen to while on campus. 


Q & A with Mary Beth Tinker

Mary Beth Tinker visited Ohio University on Wednesday night to tell her story about the Supreme Court case, Tinker v. Des Moines, which fought for students’ First Amendment rights within public schools. She also honored an OU alum who advocated for the First Amendment. 

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Cherry blossom season blooms at OU

The partnership and friendship between OU and Chubu University has been ongoing for 50 years. Learn about the history of the partnership and ways students, faculty and the Athens community celebrate Cherry Blossom season. 

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