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The Post - Athens, OH
The independent newspaper covering campus and community since 1911.
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The Post

New councilwoman quick to contribute

One of Athens City Council's newest members, Amy Flowers, is not only an Ohio University graduate student at age 19, she's also the youngest elected official in the state.

The Post

Ohio readies for home matches

The tension was palpable inside the wrestling room Wednesday afternoon as two sets of Bobcats prepared to take on each other to fight for starting spots.

The Post

Law mandates school safety

Ohio schools will now be subject to annual health inspections after the accidental death of a 6-year-old student in Lebanon.

The Post

Performance to pay tribute to women entertainers

Great women in entertainment aren't always recognized for their immense contribution in their field, which is why the Bodies In Motion student dance team will host a Tribute to Great Performers to recognize and share the gift women performers bring to the world of entertainment.

The Post

Valentine's Day tips learned from movies

Because movies are the most valuable and trusted source of information on the planet, the fact that I see many of them naturally makes me an expert on everything.

The Post

MySpace links bands to fans

Dane Cook broke comedy records by selling his CD on it. Carson Daly promotes his on his late night show. Bret Easton Ellis's fictional son in Lunar Park uses it. Nip/Tuck even exploited The Carver on it.

The Post

Forgive, don't forget

The federal government's Higher Education Act that previously had included a strict denial of federal financial aid to students with past drug convictions is expected to be revamped to provide more leniency to older drug offenders.

The Post

Age discrimination case punctuates history of turmoil

Thanks to The Post for your Jan. 30 article on the status of professor Bob Lipset's David and Goliath five-year struggle for justice in his promotion and tenure battle with Ohio University. I also thank the Ohio Civil Rights Commission for their Jan. 12 FINAL ORDER asking for Lipset's full reinstatement as a tenured faculty member in the department with all back pay, etc. This ORDER is a public document obtainable from the OCRC in Columbus (complaint No. 9516).

The Post

Held in contempt

Sentencing for a manslaughter or murder trial typically is a somber affair, and for good reason. One family mourns the loss of a loved one, even as justice is served. Another family watches one of its own sent away to prison - or death.

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