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The Post - Athens, OH
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The Post

General education program reconsidered

Plans to implement a new General Education Program ceased before winter break due to a petition submitted to Faculty Senate by nearly 130 faculty members.

The Post

Flood saturates Athens

Flooding in Athens was expected to reach a near-record level yesterday, forcing government officials to close portions of East State and West Union streets and to keep close watch on several other roads.

The Post

OU responds to deluge

As a result of this week's pounding rain, Ohio University Grounds Maintenance issued a flood watch, but said there is a 3-foot cushion before the Hocking River reaches the bike path.

The Post

Retired president continues OU involvement

Former Ohio University President Robert Glidden recently signed a three-year, $250,000 contract with OU's Board of Trustees to help raise funds for a new alumni center.

The Post

Ohio fires football coach

Ohio University Director of Athletics Thomas Boeh announced Thursday that head football coach Brian Knorr has been fired.

The Post

Fraudulent callers ask flood victims for money

Some Athens County residents who applied for federal disaster assistance after heavy flooding this summer have been victims of fraud, said Leo Skinner, spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Association.

The Post

Exit stage right

The world should not have been shocked yesterday to hear that Colin Powell had resigned as Secretary of State. That does not make his decision any less easy to take for moderates both here and abroad, though Powell himself had a mediocre tenure. Powell was a popular choice, one of the few political figures in the United States genuinely respected by partisans on both sides of the aisle. In an administration that features hard-liners like Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Powell was to be the voice of reason in the stormy swirl of neo-conservatism.

The Post

Class loads lessen for faculty

Within the past 40 years, faculty class loads at Ohio University have decreased because of the demand placed on faculty research in an effort to stay competitive with other universities.

The Post

Revealing the 5 female secrets men don't know

I've got a secret. In fact, I've got five secrets. Well, they were top secret until now anyway. I am about to share the undisclosed truths that women are too afraid to tell but that every man should know.

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