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Consultant key in placing Ohio coach

Editor's Note: This is the second part in a two-part series examining the details of Frank Solich's contract and the events that preceded his hiring.

The Post

Soldier tried for abuse

FORT HOOD, Texas -A Syrian inmate at Abu Ghraib said Army Spc. Charles Graner Jr. was the Baghdad prison's primary torturer who laughed while physically abusing him and threatened to kill him more than once.

The Post

Bush selects new chief of Homeland Security

WASHINGTON -President Bush yesterday chose federal appeals court judge Michael Chertoff to be his new Homeland Security chief, turning to a former federal prosecutor who helped craft the early war on terror strategy.

The Post

Bobcats hunting for first road win

The Ohio men's basketball team came within 0.9 seconds of picking up a long-awaited road victory last Wednesday at Ball State, but a Cardinals' 3-pointer did in the Bobcats.

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Ohio holds off winless Akron

Teamwork, emphasized by coaches and players alike, gave the Ohio women's basketball team an extra boost against Akron Tuesday night.

The Post

Peer pressure

After four months of research, Ohio University has compiled a list of 10 schools that will serve as peer institutions

The Post

Setting political divide into focus

(U-WIRE) -My New Year's resolution is to stop whining about last year's presidential election. What happened in 2004 should stay in 2004. Instead, I'm going to whine about other people who whine about the election.

The Post

Overcoming Earths negative forces

It was a slow, leisurely sunset. The soft sea breeze ruffled the coconut trees' leaves and fanned us as we sat on the plush, fragrant carpet of grass in front of our guru. Guruji was in a jovial mood, conversing with us, making jokes, laughing and singing random snatches of music. A sense of well-being wrapped itself around us as we basked in the warmth of his love. Eventually, there was a lull in the conversation. The world became silent. Emerging from a distant reverie, Guruji smiled and said, If you stand for nothing

The Post

Aid attempts muddled

LA CONCHITA, Calif. -Rescuers with listening devices sensitive enough to pick up a whimper or a faint tapping searched yesterday for victims feared buried in a mudslide that sent a thunderous cascade of trees and dirt onto this seaside hamlet.

The Post

Trio shares men's basketball award

The Mid-American Conference honored three players for men's basketball Players of the Week, all from teams currently at the top of the conference.

The Post

OU upgrades to Blackboard pilot program

In an effort to update Blackboard, Ohio University Communications Network Services is conducting a pilot program with a newer version called Blackboard 6.

The Post

What happened to the days when ESPN showed sports?

It's official. I can recite every word to the new ESPN series Tilt teaser. Not because I chose to memorize the overly dramatic preview, but because ESPN runs it every commercial break, sometimes twice.

The Post

Schools fund student businesses

Venture capital is agony and ecstasy, bust and boom, the stress of gambling and the thrill of a front-row view on the latest technologies. And when real money is involved, it is also one of the hottest classes on business school campuses.

The Post

Student guilty of drug possession

Former Student Senate presidential candidate and current senate staff member Dominic Barbato was sentenced Monday for aggravated possession of drugs.

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