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The Post - Athens, OH
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The Post

Victory Lap: Finish line approaches for pedal pundit

Welp, I guess its about that time. Time to graduate, time for Summer, time to work your ass off for next year’s beer money, or, in most cases, suck up to mommy and daddy enough to get them to support your habit for yet another year of college debauchery.

The Post

Chaos Theories: 'World' blog melds news with opinion

With final projects and exams looming and summer following tantalizingly close behind, most students are probably thinking about the final push to obtain desired grades, or the vacations, summer jobs or internships that will soon begin.  

The Post

Victory Lap: Columbus trip: Plot for next horror film

Pedal-problems plagued my most recent and most ambitious victory lap yet. I decided, however ill planned, to ride out to Columbus Saturday, the day of Athens’ eighth annual C.H.U.D-Zombie-Mud-Fest (8Fest).

The Post

What Alec's Watching: Pilots appear promising

The network TV season is slowly but surely coming to a close. For people like me, this means crawling into the cryogenic chamber for a deep, satisfying sleep before True Blood and Breaking Bad come on during the mid-summer. But for the networks it means only one thing: upfronts time.

The Post

'Bromances' let men show emotions

A bromance, according to the Urban Dictionary, is an unusually close and non-sexual relationship shared between two straight men.

The Post

Victory Lap: Rain doesn't dampen amazing music

The Hockhocking Adena Bikeway transported my pedal-playmate Dandelion and I to the Nelsonville Music Festival — my first since its inception seven years ago. It was nice to have a pedal-partner again; sure beats the hell out of solo cycling.

The Post

Chaos Theories: Opposing views inhibit middle ground

After attending the screening of The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks and Amer Ahmed’s lecture “Islam: Beyond the Myths, Breaking Down the Barriers” on Ohio University’s campus in the last few weeks, I feel I have received a thorough grounding in both sides of today’s heated debate about the legitimacy of Islamophobia.  

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